Friday, May 31, 2013

Bumpdate: 37 weeks!

Weight Gain/Loss: 19 lbs

Baby Size: A Winter Melon (18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lbs) *Gaining about 1/2 ounce per day!

She's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. She's getting her first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for her first diaper.

Symptoms: Swelling has been really bad this week. My left foot looks like a big blob. My midwife was out of town this week and I had to see someone else. She was worried about preeclampsia even though my blood pressure was normal and I had no other symptoms. I did do a urine test to make sure, and all is good. My back and hips have been achy. They hurt really bad when I lay on my side for too long. I'm pretty sure the baby has dropped because I have been feeling a lot of pressure down below and I have been able to breath easier. I've been having more contractions (about every day), both Braxton hick's and some real ones.

Movement: Her movements have become very uncomfortable, especially when it seems she is turning her head down in my pelvis. The big stretches also hurt quite a bit too.

 Gender: A girl!

Maternity Clothes: Glad we are at the end because my shirts are getting shorter and shorter, especially now that she has dropped.

Cravings: Really cold water is still top on the list. I've been drinking about 128 ounces a day, sometimes more! I have also been craving sushi! We tried to go to one of our favorites, Saii the other day (I would have gotten all cooked sushi), but they were closed : (

Sleep: Sleep has been a little rough. I get up a lot during the night to use the bathroom and getting comfortable is almost impossible. I'm taking some naps during the day when I can and I am thankful for my 4 year old and dear husband who will let me!

Best Moment This Week: Baby is still doing great! Still measuring a week ahead. This week I washed all the diapers and I'm going to pack the diaper bag and hospital bag this weekend. Things are starting to come together and we are just awaiting her arrival!

Taelyn: Tae and I have been talking a lot about the changes that are coming. We've talked about how much the baby will sleep and how to be gentle. We've also talked about the delivery and staying in the hospital. She seems to be pretty excited about meeting her baby sister. The other day she knocked on my belly and yelled into my belly button "Hensley, wake up in there!"

1 comment:

  1. Almost there! Tae's so cute! It's uncomfortable now but it'll be worth it!
