Monday, July 7, 2014

The Lake House

My husband spent his childhood weekends down at lake Texoma at his family's lake house. He has very fond memories and he has never wanted anything more than having the same for our girls. We recently acquired the lake property from Aaron's grandpa, but unfortunately it had been neglected for many, many years. There was extensive roof and floor damage and it was also dirty and cluttered and the property had been overgrown. Both Aaron and I couldn't seem to see beyond the mess, but my gracious parents came down and assured us that there was hope for this place.

In May, we went down with my parents, two of my sisters, and their families. We all worked very hard that weekend and patched the roof and the floors, cleaned out half the house, and did some yard work. We met with a local roofer and got an estimate on a metal roof. Things were definitely starting to look up!

This past weekend we went down again with my parents and finished patching the floors, cleaned the other half of the house, reupholstered the dining room chairs, put a deposit on the roof, and bug bombed the house. The roof will be put on in the coming weeks and then we will be able to fix the ceiling and lay new flooring.

What do the kids do while we are hard at work you ask????

They play in the dirt or ride on mommy's back :) In May we got some beach time in (the house is about 2 blocks from the lake!), but since this was a holiday weekend, it was a little too crowded for us.
My sweet mommy made this sign for the house. I LOVE it!

Here are some after pictures of all that we have done. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I think we can see the end and we know it will be a place that the girls will love to go.

I'm so appreciative of my families hard work. My parents have definitely put in a ton of sweat equity into this place. They can tell how much this property means to my husband and we will be forever thankful for everything they've done!

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