Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hensley: 11 months!

Weight: I'm not sure if I've noticed any growth changes in the last month. She feels heavy to me and still looks short. She has the cutes rolly dimply thighs. I think that makes her look even shorter!

Food: Eating has to be one of Hensley's favorite thing to do. She loves to "nak" (snack) and she always wants "ma" (more). She is learning to feed herself with a spoon as is pretty good at it. She loves grapes, strawberries, cheese, carrots, peas, broccoli, toast (especially with peanut butter) and so much more. She is still nursing every 4 hours (can go 6 sometimes) and usually nurses before and after eating! She now has 5 teeth and one almost here.
Clothes: The JBF sale came and went and I stocked up on clothes for both the girls. I bought all 18 month clothes for Hensley. They fit her perfectly and I think they will last us the summer. She absolutely hates clothes, so I got away without buying pajamas. She sleeps in just a diaper at night. I'm glad it is getting warmer outside and the outfits have become a little less bothersome for her.
Sleep: Sleep is going pretty good. She takes two naps during the day. She wakes up about 9am, takes her first nap at 1pm, second nap is usually between 6-7pm and then she goes to bed about 10pm. She has cut back to nursing one or two times at night and has even started sleeping in her crib for some of the night (side car). For the most part she is pretty easy to get to sleep. She doesn't nurse to sleep often, but she rocks well. Aaron is the best rocker and she us usually out within 10-15 minutes when he does it!
Movement: Hensley is such a little dare devil. She loves to climb and get into things she isn't supposed to. She loves to stand on the arm of the couch and get at the stuff on our desk. She climbs onto the dish washer door and messes with the dishes. I've caught her climbing over the baby gate that blocks the stairs. She has fallen off the couch several times and even busted her lip. She doesn't seem to have much fear and she wants to get into everything. She likes to get at our water glasses and scoop the ice out of them to eat. She also is an avid toilet paper unroller and still tries to get the cat bowls on occasion.
Talking: Hensley has really started talking! We tried to do sign language like we did with Tae (Tae new over 20 signs when she was a baby), but the only one she does consistently is "all done". She would much rather talk than mess with signing! So far she can say mama, dada, kitty, meow, no, sissy, what, ow, whoa, more, snack, bye, hi, that, baby, ball, and uh-oh.
Highlight: Hensley has a great personality. She is so silly and even laughs at herself. She has really started to love books and will sit and look through a book all by herself. She will even point to the things in the pages and talk gibberish. She also LOVES to brush her teeth. We got her a little toothbrush and she sits there and brushes her teeth like a pro.
Taelyn: Taelyn loves that she can make Hensley laugh. We will be driving in the car and Tae will just do silly things and they both will be belly laughing. It is so funny. Hensley has also learned that she wants to be doing whatever sister is doing. Whether that means painting or eating chocolate. She thinks she is big enough to do it all. Tae has figured out that she can feed Hensley things that she doesn't want to eat, like her vegetables at dinner! I've caught onto that though.....

Blessing: I feel that even when things seem stressful, like Aaron working a lot, Tae being moody, or Hensley having sleeping issues, I can look at this time and know that tomorrow will be different. I know in a few months, weeks, years, I will miss these little girls that they are today. I choose to treasure every minute.

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