Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hensley: 12 months!

Weight: At her last check up she was 23 lbs 8 oz and I think about 30 inches tall. We go again this week for her 12 month check up and will see if she's about the same.
Food: She still loves to eat, but it doesn't seem as exciting or new to her. She still likes pretty much anything except spicy food. I gave her some spicy sausage and then some spicy salsa the other day and she was mad, haha! She loves blueberries, grapes, oranges, yogurt, smoothies, pasta, popcorn and so much more!

Clothes: Still wearing 18 month and a few 24 month clothes. I love that it is warm now and it doesn't seem like she is freezing at night without pajamas. She is still not a huge fan of clothing, but she has gotten to were she will help you get her dressed by putting her arms through the holes. This makes things a bit easier.
Sleep: In the last month Hensley has pretty much cut out one of her naps. On the one or two nights she goes to my parent's house during the week she will take a short second nap, but other than that she just takes one at about 1:30 and sleep until 3:30 pm. She's been a little better about getting to bed a little earlier and is usually out by 10:30 pm. She wakes up anywhere from once all the way up to 4 times to nurse at night. I know we will have to night wean eventually, but right now I am just going with the flow. She usually wakes up between 9:30 and 10 am.
Movement: We have a full time walker people! She's been walking for a few weeks and has gotten really good. She hardly ever crawls anymore. She loves to walk around and carry things. She will pick up a random shoe, basket, or toy and carry it around.  It's really funny when she is trying to go fast....if she starts to loose her balance, she will squat down and then stand back up and go at it again. She also loves to climb. She can climb up on Tae's bed, the couch, the dishwasher, among other things. She has also learned to get off of things by either scooting off or turning around and sliding down. 
We were discarding this almost expired seat and she thought she'd test it out first!
Talking: Hensley says over 20 words now! She says mama, dada, kitty, meow, no, sissy, what, ow, whoa, more, snack, bye, hi, that, baby, ball, and uh-oh, bubbles, woof woof, and papa. She loves to get one of our phones and hold it up to her ear and have a whole conversation. It cracks us up!
Highlight: I think that walking is our biggest highlight this month. It is still so surprising to see her walk. She just seems too tiny to be doing that. She kind of has this sumo wrestler waddle and it is just too cute! Another great highlight would be celebrating her first birthday. Her party was so fun!
Taelyn: I think Tae is just as excited as I am that her sister is walking. She used to love walking her around the living room while holding onto her hands and will still try to do it if Hensley will let her. She had a lot of fun helping Hensley open up her birthday presents at her party and has been having a great time playing with them too!
Blessing: I am really truly blessed to have this healthy happy 1 year old. She has only been sick one time in her whole twelve months of life. I'm blessed to have such a great breastfeeding relationship with her and that I will continue for as long as her and I wish. I'm blessed to have a husband that supports me in all my crunchy ways and is always on board with whatever I come up with. Finally, I am blessed to have a 5 year old daughter who is wise beyond her years and who has the kindest most sincere heart and is so very helpful. 

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