Sunday, May 26, 2013


We're less than a month away from meeting Hensley, so we have been trying to take it easy and spend a lot of quality time together.
 Taelyn loves her sweet kitty Kona! He adores her and allows her to be pretty rough with him sometimes.
We've spent a lot of time playing! Taelyn is pretty creative and loves to use her imagination to think of games and other things to do.
We had a sweet visit with my sister-in-law and little niece. She made this cute cloth diaper and also made tutus for Tae and Hensley.
I've been taking in my view a lot lately. I know in just a few short weeks this will be gone and I will be holding a sweet little baby girl!
We love babywearing in this family and Tae has been practicing!
I finally got all of Hensley's diapers washed and ready to go. This was the last big thing on my to-do list. Now to pack the diaper bag and hospital bag, we will be ready to go!

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