We had my niece and nephew over one night while my sister had a book club meeting. They had tons of fun. We painted Easter plant pots, ate yummy pizza, and enjoyed some cupcakes from Whole Foods. Taelyn loves having friend days!
We had lots of fun coloring Easter eggs. This year Taelyn seemed to be able to do a lot more by herself. Our kit made little Easter animals (turtle, bunnies, and frogs) and she even drew the faces on them.
Sometimes we like to take silly pictures as you can see! We have been enjoying some pretty warm weather so I've been able to get out the shorts and tank tops. With Oklahoma, you never know how long you will have to enjoy it though.
I love trying out new things I see on Pinterest! I saw these pancake muffins and they seemed super easy. You just make regular pancake mix and divide into a mini muffin tin (I used a tablespoon). You then bake on 350 for about 10-12 minutes. I put strawberries and blueberries in ours, but you could also do nuts, chocolate chips, or even sausage or bacon! We dipped them in syrup and they were super yummy!
I made this board over a year ago (thank you Pinterest) and my husband and I take turns writing things to each other. My husbands birthday actually fell on Easter this year and this is what I wrote for him : ) As you can see, sometimes we are a little silly with it too!
Easter was a lot of fun this year. For one, it was Aaron's birthday...but also, Taelyn was older this year and seemed to be more excited to celebrate. We had a big conversation on why we celebrate Easter and what it was all about. She was super curious and asked a lot of questions. I love being able to have family traditions and Easter baskets and hunting Easter eggs are some of them. She was really excited about her basket and had fun looking through all her goodies. She also had a blast hunting for her eggs and even exclaimed that she "was really good at this"!
After we had fun tracking down the eggs we headed off to my parents house to join my whole family for Easter dinner. My mom went all out and made ham, creamed peas, green beans and new potatoes, deviled eggs, rolls, and a relish tray. She even made a tequila cake (Aaron's requested birthday cake) and a strawberry and cream angel food cake. Everything was delicious as always. After we ate and Aaron opened his presents, my dad took all the kids outside to play with his collection of poppers. They all had a blast throwing those things all over the driveway!
March has been a fun filled month and we are looking forward to all the fun things happening in April!